WhAt we do
Understanding Government
The Need
Your organisation is likely to interact with government hundreds, if not thousands, of times, each year. If it is itself a public entity, it will do so even more often. Whether such interactions prove fruitful or frustrating will depend on your understanding of how government works and where your interests and those of the branch of government with whom you deal currently intersect. This becomes more difficult as government grows ever more complex at a time when the mainstream media are scaling back in-depth Parliamentary coverage in favour of political ephemera. There is, therefore, a serious need for deeper understanding. It is this that the SCN service is designed to address.
the answer
SCN is a private news and information service devoted to providing accurate coverage of everything significant and knowable that is occurring across the wide arc of government. And doing so in a timely, succinct and cost efficient manner. Our writers cover select committees – the engine room of Parliament – in depth. We also peruse the hundreds of documents (reports, position papers, draft legislation and ministerial announcements), released each week; précising, scouring out puffery, reducing content to simple descriptions of government positions and intentions on relevant issues and providing hyperlinks to source material. There is little that we miss.